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Services package “Debt prevention”

      The package includes:

  • Information on company reliability (database on-line) – information on the companies registered in Lithuania, their income, number of employees, authorized capital, owned property, debts, etc. (the number of checked companies is unlimited). We grant one-off free access to the database.
  • Stamp service – a possibility to use the stamp of UAB “Baltijos Inkaso” – a notice to the purchaser to timely pay each of the sent invoices. Stamp service guarantees disciplined and timely execution of payments by purchasers.
  • Payment control service – written and oral notices to the clients late with payments.
  • Service of companies’ monitoring – it is constant observation of the financial condition of your client and his payments not to you but also to other business entities.

   Price per month of the services package “Debts prevention” is only from 150 LTL + VAT.

For more information please contact us:

Mob. phone +370 600 28 860
Mob. phone +370 600 28 861


For how long do you tolerate client’s failing to execute payments?

Two weeks.

23% (925)

One month.

27% (1087)

Two months.

26% (1019)

I do not tolerate.

23% (924)